What is America doing to stop effect of corona virus?
Scientists have told that we can stop the virus by following
some methods. Therefore, the United States has adopted some methods to stop the
virus from spreading.The United States has cornered 105+ million people in
their home for 14 days. People have been told strictly to stay in the house or
pay the fine.
The US government has imposed an $ 8000 fine on
people exiting the home.
Work done by America
1.The US government
has doubled the production of masks, hand sanitizers.
2. The US government has increased the facility to keep
patients infected with corona.
3. Earlier there were 1,800000 ventilators in America. So
their number was increased.
4. Orders are given to companies making medicines, to make
medicines quickly.
5. Number of special wards was increased for I.C.U Ward
Corona victims.
6. People are being made aware by police to avoid the corona
7. The strictest rules have been made for those who leave
the house.
8. The US government is taking full care of social
distancing. People are being erected at a distance of 6-6 feet.
9. Every meeting in the country is being cancelled or those
meetings are being done by video conferencing.
10. The US government is making more changes in the way
people check.
11. America Government is choosing some new volunteers
everyday so that they can help the police and the government in making people
aware for corona virus.
12. The US government has closed all businesses. So that
people can work at home and stay away from corona virus.
Donald Trump has also promised to take care of people who
live in the more dangerous territory. President Trump has assured the people
that Vaccine will be ready by the end of the year. He has also said that
America is coming back to be vaccinated or not. He will soon be freed from this
President Trump has also told that the military
team has been prepared to reach people as soon as possible after vaccine is
US Secretary of State Alex Azar says that economies
should not be dependent on vaccine, should be opened as soon as possible.
13. People do not have to face trouble, so home delivery of
food and drink has also started.
America has now become a stronghold of the
corona virus.
14. US Government is providing insurance money to people so
that people do not have to suffer for the money.
First mistakes made by the US
1. The US government delayed the movement of people and
stopped air travel.
2. There was a shortage of medical equipment in all the
hospitals in America. Such as Medi-Kit, Hand Gloves , Mask ,Ventilator etc.
3. Due to the lack of Medi-Kit in the hospitals of America,
there was a lot of use of the same dress to the doctors, due to which the
disease spread to the doctors as well.
4. Even after the arrival of Cases of Corona, the US
government delayed them to check, which spread it even more.
Suggestions what should America
government also do?
1. The movement of people should stop completely.
2. Testing facility should be further increased.
3. The US government should run a search operation to find
corona patients in the whole of America.
4. Doctors should provide all kinds of facilities to the
5. Vaccine should be made as soon as possible.
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